Korina Solomonova in the Jewish school

This is a photo of the Jewish school in Sliven, taken in 1933. I am in the 3rd grade. I am in the fourth row, the fourth from the left. My older sister Luisa Alhalel, nee Solomonova, is in the last row, the second from the right. My future husband Shemaya Geron is also in the photo - he is in the first row, the third from the left. In Sliven there was a Jewish elementary school, where we studied until the 4th grade. Both Shemaya -who was also born in Sliven and later became my husband - and I studied there. Besides the main subjects, we also studied Hebrew. Unfortunately, in Sliven Hebrew wasn?t taught in the higher grades, as it was in other towns, where there were Jewish associations, which supported the teaching of Hebrew. I didn't manage to learn Hebrew very well. After the Jewish school I started studying in a Bulgarian junior high school until its 3rd grade and then I enrolled in Sliven high school.

Photos from this interviewee