Postcard sent by Heniek Oksenhendler from Lwow to Palestine during World War II

Postcard sent by Heniek Oksenhendler from Lwow to Palestine during World War II

I spent the first few months of World War II in Lwow. At first I'd call the situation dramatic.

There were lots of refugees from Poland. People were unhappy, wandered around Lwow not knowing what to do with themselves. There were no means for living.

Mina Schif with her family was also in Lwow. Mina's mother knitted some scarves and my brother took them to an arcade to sell them. I was living in a school dorm, because I was supposed to start going to school in Lwow.

I don't remember what kind of a school it was, perhaps I wanted to graduate from a regular high school? Father finally rented a room from the Seweryns. It was a mother with a son and a daughter.

They were Poles. Very nice and decent people. Father lived there with Natan, but he couldn't get a job either. He later started working in some wood and coal storehouse.

Heniek Oksenhendler, the husband of my father's cousin Rozia Oksenhendler, was also in Lwow. In this card Heniek writes: 'Meine Liebe ich bin seit Ausbruch des Krieges in Lemberg.

Die liebe Rosa und Kinder sind zu Hause.' And this means - 'Since the war broke out I have been in Lwow. And Rozia and the children are home.' 'Wie geht es euch? Ich grüss alle herzlich.' - 'How are you doing? Warmest greetings to you.'

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