Irena Wygodzka with her husband in Yad Vashem

Irena Wygodzka with her husband in Yad Vashem

In this picture me and my husband (third from right) are participating in the celebration of planting a tree for one of the Polish Righteous Among the Nations. I am standing behind him. This picture was taken in the 1980s in Tel Aviv.

My husband used to write a bit. Mostly for 'Maariv.' His book 'Zatrzymany do wyjasnienia' was also published. And he started working for Yad Vashem.

He prepared definitions for Encyclopedia Judaica for them, he also edited memoirs. My husband was displeased with many things in Israel: their attitude to Arabs and those Orthodox people, their power in the country.

When there were elections we always used to vote for the Labor Party. My husband missed Poland very much, he missed his friends and his past. He never really belonged anywhere, he didn't go out.

He rarely went to those meetings of the Writers' Association, because he decided that all those people keep talking about themselves and not about some topics which could interest him. He got kind of sidetracked in life.

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