Haya-Sora Monashkina with husband and grandsons.
This is photo of mother's sister Haya-Sora Monashkina with husband and grandsons.
Haya-Sora Monashkina(Basok) was born in Belorussia (1884). Lived in Belorussia, then in Nikolaev(USSR). During WWII she was with her husband (Osher) and children (Matilda, Abram, Genya, Bella) in evacuation in Chastoye, Perm province (the Urals). Died in Nikolaev (1953).
Her son, Abram, worked as a professional worker at a ship-building plant in Leningrad and in the local trade union. He died in Leningrad (in the 1970?s). In 1978 his son Emmanuel has left with family for Israel and works there as the pediatrist.