Bernard Knezo Schönbrun on a brigade

This photograph was taken in the post-war period when I worked for SPROV [Federation of Anti-Fascist Prisoners and Illegal Workers]. From there we used to go on various brigades. The boy standing on my right was named Pavol Potemra. He died tragically in a car accident. He burned to death in a car. After the war, several institutions were formed in Slovakia, such as for example the Federation of Slovak Partisans, the Federation of Anti-Fascist Prisoners and Illegal Workers [SPROV], the Federation of Foreign Soldiers, the Federation of Soldiers-Rebels [SVOJPOV] and the Federation of The Racially Persecuted. You could say that every political party needed to have someone 'behind them.' That someone were these federations. The Federation of Anti-Fascist Prisoners and Illegal Workers, SPROV, was leftist-oriented, the same as the Federation of Slovak Partisans. The Federation of Foreign Soldiers, those were leftists as well as rightists, depending on if they had been at the Eastern or Western front, and what sort of upbringing they'd had. The Federation of Soldiers-Rebels was created by the Democratic Party, as a counterweight to leftist-oriented federations. This is how it gradually evolved. I joined SPROV, as its ideals corresponded with my thoughts and ideas about progressiveness. Back then I thought that only socialism can be progressive, and I wasn't alone, even more mature and grown-up people thought this way.

Photos from this interviewee