Mira Rozenberg's bat-mizvah

This is my daughter Mira Poljakovic (nee Rozenberg) who was born on 25.06.1946 in Subotica. She finished law school and works as a lawyer. She has two daughters and one granddaughter. The older daughter lives in Israel with her daughter and the younger in Subotica.

This photo is from her bat - mizvah at home.

I systematically taught my daughter from childhood about Judaism. Since she was born after the war and she did not live through or see the horrors of war. Nevertheless according to my own principles, that which happened to the Jews should not be forgotten and must be told to the future generations and I handed this down to my daughter. I told her about the terrible things but also about the friendships that I created in the camps. As long as I am alive I will talk about it to everyone so that this will never happen again.