Mariann Szamosi and her cousin Klari as children

Mariann Szamosi and her cousin Klari as children

This picture could be from 1932-33, taken in Nagykoros, and I think Schillinger's took it, they had a photography studio in Nagykoros. I?m on the left as a child and next to me is Klarika Rosenfeld, my first cousin, who was about two years older than me. She was the daughter of my father's brother, my uncle Gyula. We had a close friendship, even when we got older. We were really fond of each other. When we no longer had the house in Nagykoros, I spent many summers with them. Sometimes she?d come up to our house in Pest, I chaperoned her. I?ve got this neat memory: we?re already big girls and we went with two boys to the Amusement park. I don?t remember anymore, who the boys were. We went into some restaurant, and thinking back, that was a very unusual thing for us, and came back on the tram, we had to get off at Nagyvarad square, that was closest to Ullo street, where we lived. When we got off - Klarika had a speech impediment- the tram had already left, we were standing at the stop, and Klarika suddenly says: ?Bwaunshus, bwaunshus?. I said, ?What's wrong with brown shoes??. "They got stuck on the tram.? The steps onto the tram were grated, and her brown shoes had gotten stuck in it. We reminded her of that a lot, that her brown shoes are on the tram.
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