The wedding of Raphael Vecsler
This is a picture from my son Raphael Vecsler's wedding in Bucharest in 1974. The rabbi you can see here is Moses Rosen, next to him is my son Raphael, and behind him his father-in-law Martin Reinisch (first from left second row), and next to him my husband Solomon Vecsler. The picture was taken during the ceremony. Hava Naghila was sung, and at the party that followed there was of course kosher food.
When my son got married, the ceremony requested that the mother of the bride gave wine to the groom, and I, as the mother of the groom, gave wine to the bride.
Raphael studied Journalism in Bucharest, and that's where he met Felicia; I don?t know the exact circumstances. After the wedding, my son and his wife moved to Brasov, and my husband and I moved there as well in 1975 because we didn't want to stay in Botosani alone. Raphael has two daughters, Manuela Czeizler and Karina Vecsler. They are still religious, they go to the synagogue on the high holidays, they observe Sabbath, but they aren?t fanatically religious.