Irenke Lovith and schoolmates

Irenke Lovith and schoolmates

I don't know much about this picture. It is dated 1942. This is in front of the Neology synagogue in Kolozsvar [today it's called the Synagogue of the Deported]. The building of the Jewish school, where my sister went, was in the back. I think it was only an eight-grade school and children of a mixed Jewish social class attended the school, so there were pupils from wealthy families as well. Irenke Lovith, my sister, is fifth from the right in the first row among the standing students. She must have been in the 3rd or 4th grade at the time. It is typical that she is smiling; this is a Lovith-Pardesz characteristic. She was an extremely friendly and open kid. At times when I had some money I would take her hand and we would go to get some candy or ice cream. My mother helped Irenke with her schoolwork. She was very attached to me, she was always by my side and we were very close. She was a very funny and sweet girl. She laughed at my figures each time I drew them in her presence. I learned my first funny drawing from a sailor: I drew a Chaplin figure from behind, so there was a wedge like an opening on his tailcoat and I had to push it out with a finger and everyone could see that it was his butt. My dear sister really enjoyed it and I still remember her laughter. I was called up to Nagybanya for forced labor in 1944, and the most I know is that my little sister was taken to Auschwitz together with my mother and my maternal grandmother. They all died in the concentration camp.
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