Egon Lovith's exhibition in Brasso

This picture was taken in the Museum of Fine Arts in Brasso. Considering the circumstances, it is a very nice museum, it is in the nicest part of the town. I am standing in the middle, my wife Margo Lovith, nee Breuer, is on my left. This is the last photo of her. She died one year later. The first from the right is the director who was a wonderful Romanian man. First from the left is Arpad Bartha, a graphic designer who used to be a student at the College of Fine Arts in Kolozsvar and later became my friend. It was mostly due to his arrangements that my exhibition went so well. He drove the museum car to Kolozsvar and we packed it with the sculptures, about ten of them, and paintings and then drove to Brasso where they were already waiting for us. The museum paid for the expenses of the exhibition, which is rare, not to mention that they even made posters and catalogs. They arranged a very nice exhibition for me and I had two exhibit rooms available to show my work. I showed over 50 paintings. In the background there are some students, somebody was playing the piano and they were singing songs. The organizers gave a very nice speech. There were windows all along the right side of the room so that the pictures had very good lighting. You can see that on the picture there is a biblical wall- these are my biblical subject pictures: the crucification of Christ, the sacrifice of Abraham, David and Goliath. After the exhibition closed, I offered them one of the paintings from the main wall, one of the big biblical paintings. They chose the picture of Adam and Eve. After Margo's death I had a single exhibition in the town museum in Banffy Palace in Kolozsvar in 2000. Most of my sculptures were exhibited, all of the newer ones and one or two of the older ones that we brought up from the cellar. The sculptures were displayed in three or four rooms. The two directors personally took care of the arrangement and organization of the exhibit and it turned out to be an excellent one. I also attracted a lot of new fans: museum employees and graduating seniors from university. The exhibit was on for a month during which time seven different television stations promoted it. There were also a lot of newspaper articles about it, almost every newspaper ran a story on it. A local Romanian journalist in Adevarul de Cluj [Truth of Kolozsvar] newspaper wrote, 'Lovith mai mult ca everu' [Lovith is more than Jewish]. The Romanian papers expressed positive surprise and enthusiasm about my works. The Hungarian papers analyzed the exhibition on a deeper level, exploring my art thoroughly.

Photos from this interviewee