Lesson Plans

Displaying 31 - 59 of 59 results
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For grades Documents

Hot to use 'El otro Camino' in an intercultural context

1 - 4, 10, 11, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

1492: El otro Camino

1 - 4, 10, 11, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, University

Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia

1 - 4, 10, 11, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, University

Lesson plan Zahor- Remember

German language, History
A lesson plan developed by three German teachers.
10, 11, 12, 7, 8, 9

Zahor Unterrichtsstunde

German language, History, other projects, Sociology
Eine Unterrichtseinheit zum Film "Zahor- Erinnere dich" über Menachem und Fred Mayer. Entwickelt für deutsche Schulen von drei LehrerInnen in Baden-Württemberg.
10, 11, 12, 7, 8, 9

Me and the Society

Civic activism, History, Literature
“Me and the Society” is a lesson plan for students at the Primary School in order to develop understanding of the notion of being active in the community. They discuss...
1 - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Szempontok óratervek készítéséhez

Civic activism, English, Religion / Ethics, Geography, German language, History, National and ethnic studies, Judaism, környezetismeret, Literature, Home teacher's class, other projects, Art / Art history, Sociology, Arts & crafts

Ebben a segédanyagban találhatsz segítséget a Centropa tanárképző szemináriumain készítendő óratervekhez.

Kérjük, hogy az itt található, a Centropa által megadott szempontokat használd az óraterv elkészítéséhez. Ezzel nagyban megkönnyíted a kollégáid...

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

The Power of a Promise

Religion / Ethics
Reflecting about who we are and how we behave are central to the High Holiday experience. Beginning with Elul and running through Simchat Torah, Jews ask forgiveness for our sins...
10, 11, 12, 6, 7, 8, 9

Hana's Suitcase

This Holocaust ELA lesson for 7th or 9th grade students, addresses the following essential questions: What important factors make people leave their homeland? Do people always have a choice or...
7, 8

Courageous People Project

Civic activism

Students work on the questions of “what is an act of moral courage” and “what is required to act courageously”. They explore the past and the present to discover courageous...

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Milyen a jó tárlatvezető? – Útmutató diák tárlatvezető felkészítéséhez

Project plan

Amennyiben egy iskola fogadja valamelyik vándorkiállításunkat, javasoljuk, hogy néhány diák legyen a kiállítás tárlatvezetője. Egy kis felkészülés után a diákok megismerik a kiállítás anyagát, hátterét, kiválasztják kedvenc fotóikat és...

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, University

Video Competition 2nd prize | Mezuza

Religion / Ethics

Watch here this year's 2nd Prize winner at the Centropa's Video Competition.


Video Competition 2nd prize | Jewish History of Kremenets

Religion / Ethics

Watch here this year's 2nd Prize winner at the Centropa's Video Competition.


Video Competition 1st prize | The Jewish history of Vinnytsya


watch here 2016's 1st prize winner of the Centropa Video Competition 


Videókészítési verseny - Útmutató

Religion / Ethics, History, National and ethnic studies, Literature, Home teacher's class, Sociology

A mai világban a videó egyre elterjedtebb formája az események, gondolatok, érdekességek vagy éppen kutatómunkák közvetítésének. Közkedvelt műfaj, nemcsak a fiatalok, hanem mindenki számára. Ez a módszertani segédanyag egy a...

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Teofila Silberring - Losy pojedynczego człowieka, jako lekcja historii


Autor: Joanna Olender

Szkoła: Gimnazjum nr 95 w Warszawie

Czas trawania zajęć: 2-3 x 45 min.

Cele lekcji:

·      Uświadomienie czym była Zagłada

·      Stworzenie bazy informacji na temat...


A story of one human life as a history lesson - Photos as a key to understanding the past.


Rosa Rosenstein's Berlin

other projects

Eine am Moses Mendelssohn Gymnasium Berlin (ehemals JOS Berlin) entwickelt und getestete Unterrichtseinheit.


Jews In The Balkans


A presentation about the Jews in the Balkans, by Liljana Stefanovska


Дневно планирање | Граѓанско образование

other projects

Дневно планирање
Граѓанско образование

Училиште: Наум Наумовски Борче
Наставник: Лилјана Стефановска


Aktivnosti- OU Nikola Petrov Rusinski, Berovo




Ø  Прво им дадов на учениците веб страни за извлекување некои информации поврзани со периодот на Холокаустот:

1.www.ppuorg.uk/genocide – Магдалена Алаѓозовска...



Religion / Ethics, History, National and ethnic studies, Literature, Home teacher's class, Sociology

Történelmi és zsidó kultúrával, vallással kapcsolatos fogalomtárak.

1 - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, University

A magyarországi holokauszt feldolgozása

Lesson plan

Az óraterv a Hámos Imréné élettörténete alapján készült „Hámos Piroska - Élet a Dunán” című Centropa-filmet dolgozza fel 3x45 percben.

Egy magyarországi zsidó család élettörténetén keresztül nyerhetünk bepillantást a hazai...

7, 11, 12, 8

Food and Family: combining 20th & 21st century Jewish cooking


Students interviewed and took pictures of a relative while they prepared a favorite family recipe. The students then created a PowerPoint presentation that included their relative preparing the dish; background...


History and the Power of Personal Stories


In this family history project, students conduct oral histories with family members with the objective of creating a final project about their family history and understanding how an individual's family...

10, 11, 12, 7, 8, 9

Preserving Jewish Memory: A Family Education Program

Religion / Ethics

Just as we pass the Torah from one generation to the next at bar and bat mitzvahs, so do we pass family stories dor l’dor (from generation to generation). Stories...

6, 7, 8

Lilli Tauber: European Jewish Life and Death 1929-1949


Using the film, “A Suitcase Full of Memories,” this lesson plan helps students explore the topic of the Kindertransport and the impact of the Holocaust on children who survived and...


Mariann Szamosi: Post-War Jewish Life in Hungary


In this lesson plan, Centropa films are used to introduce students to Jewish life in Hungary during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with a focus...


Maps, Central Europe and History: Changing borders


A lesson plan on changing borders in 19th and 20th century European history