Szalom Luksemburg and Mr. Fuks

Szalom Luksemburg and Mr. Fuks

These boys are friends of my sister Rywa Yavnai, nee Weinryb. First from left is Szalom Luksemburg, her former boy-friend. The second one's surname was Fuks; I don't know his first name. The photo was taken in Zamosc in the 1920s. This photo was a gift for my sister Rywa. On the back are written some warm words to Rywa. The Luksemburg and Fuks families were Zionists, both emigrated to Palestine before World War II and both were relatively well off. Szalom was a sportsman and a gym group instructor. The Luksemburg family was connected with the famous communist - Rosa Luxemburg. They lived in Zamosc right by the city square. The Fuks family owned a factory in Zamosc. They manufactured wooden chairs. After emigrating to Palestine they set up an agricultural machine rental place.
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