Marta Pasternakova and family

Marta Pasternakova and family

This is one of the oldest photographs I have, taken in Presov in the 1920s. Sitting round the table are: my grandmother Helena Preisova, nee Romanova (second from left), my mother Marta Pasternakova, nee Preisova (first from left), my grandfather Eliezer Preis (second from right) and two unknown people, probably relatives, who, like my grandparents, didn't survive the Holocaust. My grandparents had three children: Katarina, Nely and my mother Marta. Sad memories are connected with the early 1940s. The eldest sister, Katarina, who lived in Kosino, which was part of Hungary then, came to visit her parents. They didn't know that this was to be their last encounter. My grandparents died in the Holocaust. They were deported in 1942 and perished in Auschwitz in 1945.
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