Katarina Samolovicova, Nely Gellertova and Marta Pasternakova with class-mates
This is a picture of my mother Marta Pasternakova, nee Preisova and her two sisters Katarina Samolovicova, nee Preisova and Nely Gellertova, nee Preisova (fourth from left in the first row), with class-mates at school on Konstantinova Street in Presov in the 1920s. Written on the back of the picture are the words: Presented with love from Ms Bednarova.
Ms Bednarova, the second from the left, was a nun and their head teacher. I saw her when she was an old lady of about 70 on the occasion of the visit of my aunt Nely, who lived in Nairobi, Kenya. Nely brought her a transistor radio from Nairobi. The nuns were prosecuted during the communist era and forced to move from Presov to Bacs.