Lesson Plans

Displaying 241 - 270 of 380 results
For grades Documents

Jüdische Lebensgeschichten filmisch aufbereitet – Unterrichtsmaterial für Berufsschulen


Die hier präsentierten zwölf Unterrichtsentwürfe richten sich speziell an Berufsschulen. Sie basieren auf den Kurzfilmen von Centropa, sowie der DVD „Das Vermächtnis“ von _erinnern.at_ und kreisen um österreichisch-jüdische Lebensgeschichten des...

Jüdische Lebensgeschichten filmisch aufbereitet – Unterrichtsmaterial für Berufsschulen


Die hier präsentierten zwölf Unterrichtsentwürfe richten sich speziell an Berufsschulen. Sie basieren auf den Kurzfilmen von Centropa, sowie der DVD „Das Vermächtnis“ von _erinnern.at_ und kreisen um österreichisch-jüdische Lebensgeschichten des...


Jüdische Lebensgeschichten filmisch aufbereitet – Unterrichtsmaterial für Berufsschulen

Die hier präsentierten zwölf Unterrichtsentwürfe richten sich speziell an Berufsschulen. Sie basieren auf den Kurzfilmen von Centropa sowie der DVD „Das Vermächtnis“ von _erinnern.at_ und kreisen um österreichisch-jüdische Lebensgeschichten des...

Erna Goldmann: Von Frankfurt nach Tel Aviv. Interaktives Filmskript.


"Three promises": A project about the Kalef family


This project uses family photos from the Kalef family to trigger a discussion about memory.


Jedes Bild erzählt eine Geschichte: Ein Projekt zur Biographie Franziska Smolkas


In diesem Projekt wird der Ansatz verfolgt, über eine Reihe von Fotos die SchülerInnen zu motivieren herauszufinden,

- welche Geschichten Bilder erzählen

- wie Familienfotos sich ähneln

- ihre eigenen...


Every Photo tells a Story: A Project about Franziska Smolka


When engaging students with history in general, and with the history of National Socialism and the Holocaust in particular, teachers should not limit themselves to how European Jews died during...


Interviewing a Picture


Using Edward Serotta's photographs from the synagogue in Sarajevo during the Bosnian war of the 1990s, students will study several pictures carefully, answer questions and use what they learn in...

Let All Who are Hungry Come and Eat


In these two back-to-back lessons, students will explore Jewish values, Jewish identity, and the question of how to balance their ethnic/religious identities with being a citizen of the world.  Students...

Survival in Sarajevo: Lessons in Civic Values

Civic activism

In these two back-to-back lessons, students will watch Survival in Sarajevo: Friendship in a Time of War - a story about a small group of Holocaust survivors and their children...

Let All Who are Hungry Come and Eat


Using Centropa's film, Survival in Sarajevo: Friendship in a Time of War - the story of a small group of Holocaust survivors and their children working with their Christian...

We Remember


Students make a 3-5 minute film that tells the story of a family member.  We start the project by showing Centropa films as models for short films that tell a...


Interwar Hungarian Photographers Project

other projects

Interwar Hungary produced some of the best modernist photographers: Imre Kertesz, Robert Capa, and Laszlo Moholy Nagy. All were Jewish. Another great Jewish Hungarian photographer of the period was Imre...


So that Memory Doesn't Die


In this 45 minute lesson, high school students explore two important aspects of survivors’ lives: 1) rebuilding their lives after living through horrors and losing their families, and 2) sharing...


Multimedia Yom Hashoah Presentation


In this unit, selected 8th grade students worked with three teachers to prepare a multimedia presentation for the middle school using Centropa materials in observance of Yom Hashoah. The...


Storytelling and Filmmaking to Remember Holocaust Survivors


In this project Jewish middle/high school students explore Jewish life in Europe, the Holocaust, and post-war immigrant life in America through the experiences of local Holocaust survivors from Central or...


Using Stories to Connect with Jewish History


This lesson asks students to research family history and to create a project that tells the story of his/her family origins. Using the Centropa films about Max Uri and Jozsef...


Roots in Spain, Trees in Sarajevo


This lesson aims to enlighten students about Sephardic history in the Balkans, and was originally taught in the context of a Jewish day school in the United States.  The Jews...


I Was There - A Journey into a child's past


In this project, students in groups of 3-4 will read a memoir, diary or biography about a European child whose life was turned to chaos during the Shoah, 1933 to...


Food and Family: combining 20th & 21st century Jewish cooking


Students interviewed and took pictures of a relative while they prepared a favorite family recipe. The students then created a PowerPoint presentation that included their relative preparing the dish; background...


Of Shtetls and Cities

other projects

This project is a student museum about Czech Jewry. Students research the lives of Czechoslovakian Jews between World War One and World War Two.  The Museum consists of panels dedicated...

Cooking in the classroom: To cook or not to cook!

other projects

This lesson uses the interview from Hedvig Endrei, from Hungary. In a labor camp during the war, Mrs. Endrei and her friends wrote out a book of recipes and she...


History and the Power of Personal Stories


In this family history project, students conduct oral histories with family members with the objective of creating a final project about their family history and understanding how an individual's family...

10, 11, 12, 7, 8, 9

Preserving Jewish Memory: A Family Education Program

Religion / Ethics

Just as we pass the Torah from one generation to the next at bar and bat mitzvahs, so do we pass family stories dor l’dor (from generation to generation). Stories...

6, 7, 8

Choosing to be Jewish Family Education Program

Religion / Ethics

During this session families will learn the stories of several individuals who survived the Holocaust and then stayed in Europe after the war. They saw the destruction of the societies...


Lo Ta'amod: A Jewish Values Family Education Program

Religion / Ethics

In this family education program, we apply Centropa’s stories from our past to reflect on our values, and translate that learning into action for the present and future. The goal...

שהזיכרון לא ייעלם

other projects

תאופילה סילברינג סיור הליכה בקרקוב

ליל הבדולח


http://november1938.centropa.org/he: (זוכרים את 'ליל הבדולח' (9-10 בנובמבר 1938

רובנו - ציר זמן.doc


Picturing Kristallnacht

This lesson commemorates Kristallnacht by having students examine how it was a turning point in the treatment of Jews in Germany and Austria. Taught within the context of the 8th grade Holocaust curriculum, the goal of the lesson is to personalize for students what happened by starting with their own photographs as a way connect to young Jews in Jews in Germany and Austria before the Nazi rise to power. We then used Centropa interview excerpts and photographs to learn first-hand memories of Kristallnacht.