Wacek Kornblum’s stepmother Lonia Kornblum and her sister Mania

Wacek Kornblum’s stepmother Lonia Kornblum and her sister Mania

This is my stepmom Lonia and her sister Mania Mileband. They both are young misses on this picture.

My mom Lonia -  Lea Kornblum -  nee Mileband, was born in 1900. Dad got married to Lonia some time around 1929. I knew Lonia wasn't my mom, but I didn't feel it. Mom was a very smart woman. But from the time perspective, I realize I didn't experience true motherly love. I was a bit browbeaten, always very shy. 

In our house we spoke Polish with Mom, Jewish with Dad. Our parents spoke usually Jewish to each other. Mom was from Bundist circles, but I can't say she was an activist. It was rather a group of friends, well-wishers of Bund.

Mom had two sisters in Paris. Aunt Mania and Aunt Emilia. Emilia lives until this day, she's very old. Aunt Mania died of Parkinson's disease, many years ago. Almost all those pictures were sent to her, and  that’s how they survived the war. 

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