Ferenc Pap's parents Vera and Laszlo Pap

Ferenc Pap's parents Vera and Laszlo Pap

My mother and father are in this photo. On the backof it there is written: 'But here I put quite a friendly face on, didn't I?' this is my father's handwriting, but the date [May 1930] and place is in my mother's writing. It was probably something between them that my father didn't put on a very friendly face in I don't-know-what circumstances. He probably wrote this for that reason. My mother was born in 1909 [in Temesvar]. I think she was a few months old when her father died. My grandmother and my mother lived in fact in Budapest after that, until the middle of the '20s. In Budapest my grandmother worked in a factory. In the meantime my mother learned [choreography] at a well-known ballerina's school, Olga Szentpal's school, and from there she went to Wurzburg, Germany, where she graduated. They went back to Temesvar only after that. I think that in the first few years my mother opened a [dance-] school in Lugos and then in Temesvar. Somehow or other, at the end of the 1920s my mother met my father, and they got married in 1930. They only had a civil wedding [they were not married by a Rabbi]. At that time my father was transferred from his post in Temesvar, as official, to Bucharest, and they lived there for a while. There is nothing unusual in their dress; one can't see the quality of the clothes here. My father was an official in Bucharest too, at a publicity bureau, the Bucharest branch office of a German company. I could not say whether my mother worked in this period or not. I think that after that, when they went to Kolozsvar, she opened a dance-school.
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