Bronislava Chepur’s mother Buzia Aloets with her classmates in Jewish children's home
Students, technical school (educational institution for the children of workers and peasants). My mother Buzia Aloets is on the right.
Gita Wurgart was my mother's instructor. She moved to Kiev and in 1925 sent my mother a special invitation request (such official paper served as a permit to come to Kiev). My mother was 16 years old, when she has arrived to Kiev. She was helping my mother to find a place to stay overnight. My mother had to wash the floors or take care of a baby, etc. to pay these people back for letting stay with them.Gitia was one of the provincial young people inspired by the revolution of 1917. They were full of energy and ready to work day and night, giving no thought to how things would work out. Gitia found my mother a job of a courier at the Stalin district Party committee. It was big luck for my mother. At this time it was next to impossible to find a job. Unemployment rates were high, economy was paralyzed and everything was very difficult. My mother told me that there was a canteen for cabmen at Bessarabka (Kiev Central market) where one could get a meal (1st and 2nd course: some cereal and meat with gravy) for 2 copecks… But one couldn't always get even 2 copecks and the job of a courier was a real happy deal. This wasn't an easy job. She was a young girl and she had to run across the city all day long (she couldn't afford public transportation). She was paid 14 roubles per month. This was a lot of money. She could afford to buy some clothes gradually -most needed clothes at first and then warm clothes for a cold season. Later the District Party Committee gave my mother a recommendation to study at the trade school for working young people . The majority of the students there were young people from provinces. Again, this was good luck for my mother. She met my father at this school. In this time she was not yet a communist party member, but believed in ideals communist revolutions.