Michel Rozenfeld and his family

Michel Rozenfeld and his family

This is a great family photo taken on my grandfather's birthday in Boguslav in 1927. This was a family reunion. Upper row from left to right: my uncle Yankel Rozenfeld, my mother Dora Rozenfeld, nee Ozerianskaya, my uncle Shymon Rozenfeld, and my father Mark Rozenfeld. Second row from left to right: Sarra Rozenfeld, Yankel's wife, Shymon's wife Vera Rozenfeld holding little Ania, her daughter, grandmother Menie Rozenfeld, grandfather Michel Rozenfeld, my father's sister Ania Sychevskaya, nee Rozenfeld, my brother Israel Rozenfeld. Lower row from left to right: Rachil and Naum Rozenfeld, uncle Yankel's children, Ania's son Dmitri and I. My paternal grandfather Michel Rozenfeld, born in 1852, owned a store in Boguslav. I don't know what he was selling, but it was a big store. He had a few employees. My grandfather had a house of his own. Once, when we were going for a walk in the town, my parents showed this house to me. I know that my grandfather went to cheder. I don't know whether he continued his education. He was an intelligent man. He read and recited verses well and did his own accounting in the store. He had a solid Jewish education. I remember that he had many Jewish books. He could read in Hebrew. He read the Torah and the Talmud. Before the Revolution of 1917 my grandfather was very religious. He wore a kippah and a big thick beard. In his family they observed all Jewish traditions, followed the kashrut, celebrated Sabbath and the Jewish holidays. My grandfather didn't work on Saturday. Grandmother Menie, born in the 1860s, was younger than my grandfather. I don't remember her maiden name. She was a housewife. I don't know how many brothers or sisters my grandfather and grandmother had. My father told me that during pogroms during the Civil War his two uncles and his aunt and her children perished, but I don't know whether they were my grandfather or my grandmother's brothers and sister. I knew my father's brothers and sister. My father had five brothers: Shymon, Alexandr, Yankel, David and Michael. His sister's name was Ania. The boys studied in cheder and were raised religiously, but they got under the influence of revolutionary ideas and became atheists. My uncle Yankel Rozenfeld worked at a store during the Soviet regime. He lived in Boguslav with his wife Sarra and two children: Rachil - we called her Chilia - and Naum, whom we called Nyuma. Rachil died of a heart disease at the age of 16.
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