Leo Ginovker and family

Leo Ginovker and family

This picture was taken during our family reunion. In the front row is my brother Max Ginovker, first on the left, my brother Ovsei Ginovker is in the centre, and I am on the right. Standing behind us, the first on the left is Larisa, the wife of Alexander Ginovker, Max's son, next to her is Tsiva Ginovker, nee Goisman, Max's wife, and second on the right is Alexander and next to him is Stella Pustynskaya. This reunion took place in 1996 in St. Petersburg in the apartment that belongs to my nephew Alexander. My elder brother Ovsei, who was then 94, came to St. Petersburg from Israel; Max and his wife Tsiva came from Kirov; my second wife Stella and I came from Tallinn. Unfortunately, Samson, my fourth brother, was not with us - he died in 1982. It was the last time I saw my brothers. Ovsei died a year later in Israel, and Max died in 2002 in St. Petersburg.
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