Ida Goldshmidt with her husband Samuel Goldshmidt and son Boris

This is our family. My son Boris (sitting on the right) turned 49, and we celebrated his birthday in a restaurant. My husband Samuel Goldshmidt is sitting in the center, and I'm on the left. This photo was taken in Riga in 2003. After finishing the 8th grade of his general education school my son entered the technical school of light industry. After finishing it he wanted to continue his studies at a higher educational institution., but he also wanted to learn a vocation and go to work. He met his future wife at the synagogue 20 years ago. We went there on Simchat Torah holiday, and my husband's acquaintance suggested that we introduced Boris to a Jewish girl. We were positive about it, and she came back with a beautiful Jewish girl. We liked the girl. Our son also liked her. They started seeing each other. My daughter-in-law's name is Sophia. Her maiden name was Taiz. She came from Rezekne, 300 km from Riga. After finishing school Sophia came to Riga where she entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematic. She lived in a dormitory. When my son and Sophia got married, she moved in with us. In 1986 our granddaughter Lubov was born. I get along well with my daughter-in-law, but I think children and parents should not live together. It's hard for different generations to get along. However, we had no conflicts living 3 years together. My son worked hard, and they saved money to buy an apartment. My husband also earned well, and we supported them to help them to save more. During perestroika, when it was allowed to have one's own business, my son and his partner rented an office and opened their own woodwork company. My son is doing well. There is a lot of competition, but thank God, my son can provide for his family and support us. We celebrate Jewish holidays at home. My husband and I go to the synagogue, and then our children visit us and we have a festive dinner. Sophia has no time to cook a big meal, and I am so happy, when our big family gets together at the table.