Grandfather Weil with relatives

Grandfather Weil with relatives

There is my maternal grandfather, his family name was Weil, he was a businessman, then my aunt with her son and my sister Anna or Anusa Abrahamovic, nee Friedmannova, who was nine at the time the photo was taken. I don't know my aunt's or cousin's names. The photo was taken in Jaslo, Poland, in 1921. My cousin escaped to the Soviet Union during the war. Later we found out he had died in one of the Gulag camps, so his escape from the fascists didn't help him. My grandfather died before WWII and my aunt was deported to a concentration camp. My sister Anusa was born in 1912 in Presov. In 1937 she married Sandor Abrahamovic. She died in Lublin ghetto in 1942.
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