Anna Abrahamovic and Bela and Lujza Wohlwert

This is a picture of my sister Anna, or Anusa Abrahamovic, nee Friedmannova (standing on the left), the man in the middle is Bela Wohlwert my sister Lujza's husband and Lujza Wohlwert, nee Friedmannova, is standing on the right. They were already married at the time the photo was taken. None of them survived the Holocaust. Anusa was a student and had a great musical talent. She was playing the violin. She married Sandor Abrahamovic in 1937. In 1938 their son Herbert was born. Unfortunately, they all died in the Holocaust. Anusa died in Lublin ghetto, Sandor and their son Herbert died in Treblinka. Little Herbert was only four years old when he was killed. My oldest sister Lujza finished an accounting course and worked as a clerk before World War II. She married Bela Wohlwert. In 1942 they were deported to Auschwitz where they were killed in the gas chambers.