Fabian Meer and relatives

Fabian Meer and relatives

This pictures was taken on the 24th of Nov. 1979, after my older son Fabian got married, going out from the City hall of Iasi.

In the front, the third from left is the groom Fabian Meer and right to him his bride Reli Meer.

Behind them the second from the left is my wife Ietti Meer and the third one is me Simon Meer.

Right from the bride is the brides mother, Adela Rotenstein and behind her to the right her husband David Rotenstein.

Behind my left side with me is my younger son Sorin Meer.To the right of my cousin is my grandson, Ficu Pietraru.

From my family it was only me, my wife, nephew and my younger son Sorin. The rest of the relatives, were the family of my daughter in law.

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