Ciubotaru Sumer and relatives

Ciubotaru Sumer and relatives

This photo was taken at the marriage of my brother-in-law, my wife's brother. In front of me is the bridegroom, Sumer Ciubotaru and the bride, Tony Ciubotaru.

I, Simon Meer second from the left in the back row, am with my wife Ietti and Sumer’s parents which I don’t remember their names.

Bridegrooms parents, Liba Ciabotaru and Avram Ciabotaru, as well as the sister of the bridegroom, Betty Pietraru with her husband Saul Pietraru.

In front of my wife is our older son Fabian Meer. The other kid is probably the son of Saul and Betty Pietraru, called Ficu Pietraru.

On the back of the photo is written:
“July, 1955, Tony an Sumer.”

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