Dagmar Lieblova´s paternal grandparents

Dagmar Lieblova´s paternal grandparents

This is picture of my grandparents´ home in Cimelice.

My grandad is the one in hat standing, sitting woman is grandmum and the standing woman from left is their daughter Ruzena.

I can't remember my grandmother or grandfather on my father's side too well, as I never spent much time with them, even though we used to visit them twice a year in Cimelice, which is a small town near Pisek.

My grandfather was born in Lubenec in 1858. He lived in Cimelice, south Bohemia, where he had a farm with land under crop and horses that he was very proud of. He also had a store there, which is still standing, although it now sells Dutch furniture.

My grandmother on my father's side was called Jindriska and was born in 1859. She came from Suchomasty, Beroun.

My grandparents were both religious. They had separate sets of dishes, ate kosher food and probably had a Jewish wedding, but my grandfather didn't wear a yarmulka. Their devoutness was not, I think, passed on to any of their children.

At the beginning of the 1930s my grandparents sold their house and farm in Cimelice and moved to Beroun, where they built a little house with rooms and a kitchen downstairs and an attic upstairs.

Unlike Beroun, I can't remember Cimelice. We always went to Beroun on the first of May, and my parents always wanted us to leave before all the ceremonial processions in Prague started up.

We went there from Kutna Hora via Prague. My grandmother used to cook excellent flour dumplings; mom would always ask her how she does it and she would say - "Don't you know how to do flour dumplings?"

We always had dumplings and Polish sauce or goose. Polish sauce is sweet and has plums and raisins in it. There was always good soup, too.

I can remember that grandfather would go a bit of the way with us in the car to see us off on our way home. And he always blessed us when we parted I do not remember what he was whispering, but he always put his hand on my forehead.

Both my grandparents died before the deportations began - grandmother in January 1940, grandfather six weeks later.

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