Alexander Ugolev’s birth-certificate

Alexander Ugolev’s birth-certificate

This is my birth-certificate, where it is written that my name is Isaac Haimovich Ugolev. It is a copy I got in 1951 instead of the lost original.

Since my childhood everybody called me Alexander, and Sasha or Sanya as a term of endearment. I found out that my Jewish name was Isaac, when I studied at school. At first I did not like its sound and became upset. But my father was a clever man. He showed me a portrait of Isaac Newton and told me how talented was this scientist, and I calmed down. I even took pride in my Jewish name.

Earlier I was registered as Ugolev Isaac Haimovich, and now I am Ugolev Alexander Efimovich. I did it for the sake of my son. I wanted him to have the patronymic Alexandrovich, not Isaacovich. This will make his life easier.

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