1928 New Year’s card

1928 New Year’s card

I had a very close relationship with my mother. My mother was involved in my classes. She would have heart-to-heart talks with me. When she took a decision, she would tell me first. For a while, she missed her younger brother, Nesim a lot. She said she was going to go to France to see him, but she couldn't, we lost her suddenly.... You can read what I wrote to my mom in a new year’s card, on Jan 1st, 1928, when I was 12 years old: Pour Madame la Directrice de l’Orphelinat Israélite Chere Maman, J’ai cherché dans tout le monde une mere comme toi, Mais je ne l’ai trouvé que dans la famille Angel. Ton fils qui t’adore Aron Angel Bonne Année For the Lady Director of the Jewish Orphanage Dear mom, I looked for a mother like you in the whole world, but I only found it in the Angel family. Your adoring son Aron Angel Happy New Year
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