Teacher blog

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Sweet Concord Wine

"Manischewitz, look at that go!" When Apollo 17 astronaut, Gene Cernan, uttered those words during his 1973 walk on the moon, the kosher Concord wine brand he mentioned was his favorite substitute for a swear word. 

It was only a matter of time, then, before those wines found their way into hipster circles.


My Lesson

On the occasion, of the Auschwitz concentration camp liberation, I have been including the topic of the Holocaust each January in the curriculum of the subject of History for several years. This year I took advantage of the Centropa film about Dagmar Lieblova "From Bohemia to Belsen…and back again" http://www.centropa.org/node/44639?subtitle_language=.

I prepared the worksheets with questions and tasks (see photo in annex).

The students were answering the questions based on information from the film and the attached family tree.

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International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27, 2015

Students from  National College "Iulia Hasdeu" Lugoj made an exhibition of posters with the theme the Holocaust . The activity coordinator was teacher Horațiu Suciu.


"You received without paying, give without paying"

According to old Catholic traditions, Advent, four weeks before Christmas, is time for tranquility and meditation, not for hunting in the boundless fields of malls:) Fortunately, there still are possibilities to run accidentaly into some small church, sideway from the main shopping routes, and find yourself "far from the madding crowd".


The Masks We Wear

As I try and recover from the over eating that occurred on a snowy Thanksgiving Holiday I want to take the time to reflect on my past few days.  My dear readers, I want to thank you for continuing to read this rambling of a blog, and I want to challenge you to think about what has been running through my mind the past couple of days.  My students and I have started examining the evolution of character as well as the evolution of self.  We started by discussing what psychologist Carl Jung has proposed about "The Masks We Wear,"  not literal masks, but figurative masks.

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Ezen a blogon lehet olvasni vándorkiállításunkról. "Sorsüldözöttek"  

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Holocaust Remembrance Day in Romania - Activities organized by students from the National College "Iulia Hasdeu" Lugoj

           On October 8, 2014, on Holocaust Remembrance Day in Romania (October 9), students of class XI-F, from the National College "Iulia Hasdeu" Lugoj, joined the ceremony organized by Hebrew Community from Lugoj.Before the Holocaust Monument from the Hebrew Cemetery, the president of Hebrew Community of Lugoj, Mr. Ivan Bloch uttered a prayer for the victims of the tragic event and described to the students the main points of the Romanian Holocaust.

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September 23 - Holocaust Memorial day in Lithuania

In order to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust in Lithuania, students of Jieznas gymnasium went to the Fort VII  of Kaunas fortress. Kaunas is my native town that had more than 30 000 Jews before the WWII and only 634 of them managed to survive in 1944.
