#Zahor – Remembering for the Future

In the project "#Zahor - Remembering for the Future", Centropa works with regional partners to (digitally) depict the diversity of Jewish life in the Rhine-Neckar and Kreichgau metropolitan regions - then and now. We build bridges from the past, to the present and future, aiming to break down prejudices and anchor Judaism as an integral part of German culture, through inter-religious and intergenerational dialogue. This is accomplished through workshops, commemorative events, and encounter projects with young soccer fans, who are actively encouraged to participate with sensitivity to the topics of remembrance culture and Judaism.

Local Jewish communities and soccer clubs are integrally involved and also provide venues for events, learning and exchange. Together with the Hoffenheim fan project and other regional clubs, the Office for Remembrance Culture and the Agency for Jewish Culture will hold interactive multi-day workshops with young soccer fans on "Remembrance Culture and Soccer."

In addition to the existing film "Zahor - Remember", a short film about Jewish life in the region has been developed. Young people will continue to be actively involved: At Café Zahor, an event with Jewish community members, for example, they interview members with questions they have about Jewish life and remembrance. The results of which are included in the film. In workshops, they create multimedia projects, such as online exhibitions, comics or short films about Jewish soccer players, or find more fan-typical forms of expression (graffiti, double-holders, stickers) to make Jewish life visible in the clubs.