Rebeca Reichmann and family

Rebeca Reichmann and family

This photo was taken in Bucharest, in 1916. This is Rebeca Reichmann, my father Lazar Filderman's sister, with her husband and their first-born child, Rudolf Reichmann.

Rebeca married a certain Reichmann, who worked with Leon Filderman in the oil business, but he wasn't an engineer - he did something in the administration. They had two children: Rudolf and Edmond.

Rudolf Reichmann went to the Commercial Academy and married the daughter of a fervent communist. Her name was Sofia-Angela. He had met her before the war, in college. She had been baptized before the war, but she had to return to the religion she had been born into, whether she wanted it or not. They didn't have children.

Edmond Reichmann went to study industrial chemistry, but only graduated after World War II because he had to register again. He worked at the Ministry of Paper and Wood - I don't know the exact name - and was a manager at the Cellulose Institute. He got married, but he didn't have children.

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