My father’s cousin Oscar Froimovici

My father’s cousin Oscar Froimovici

This picture presents my father's cousin, Oscar Froimovici, who was a tailor by profession. First from left is his wife. My parents were the witnesses at their wedding. This cousin was a few years younger than my father. Here he was around 45. The picture was taken in his workshop in Bucharest. He is the cousin who called my father to Bucharest, where he left to in October 1944.

My father, Iosif Samoil Tucarman, had long wished to move to Bucharest. And now he thought that the time had come to do so. In October 1944, he and my sister Fany left for Bucharest. I don’t know how they could have the courage to do so, especially my sister who was 17, a real young lady. They left by truck under very harsh conditions. They reached Bucharest two or three days later. 

My father started working for his cousin Oscar Froimovici who worked at a men’s lingerie shop. When he was younger my father, too, had worked at the lingerie shop. With much trouble they managed to find a room to rent. It was very hard to find a place to stay in Bucharest. They settled there. 

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