Members of the illegal group in which Leon Kalaora took part before 9th September 1944

This is a meeting of the Ministry Council with activists from the armed resistance against fascism in Bulgaria. We gathered on the occasion of 9th September 1944 - on this date Bulgaria was liberated from fascist power and the Fatherland Front established its power. The photo was taken in 1964 in Sofia. The first from left to right is Marin Mitsov. He took part in a group against fascism in Sofia. Later he became a doctor. Next to him is Mitka Grabcheva. She was a very brave woman. She also took part in the activities of the group in the capital - together with Velichko Nikolov she was in the first sub-group when Col. Atanas Pantev was killed. Pantev and Gen. Lukov wanted to involve Bulgaria into a war against the democratic alliance of America, England and the former USSR. So, he had to be killed in order to prevent that. The third from left to right is Slavcho Radomirski. He is a former commander of illegal special combat groups. He was famous as a great street fighter. He fought against the fascists. Later he became commander of a Radomir partisan squad which acted very successfully without losing people. I am the fourth one. The fifth one is Gen. Ivan Burudjiev who together with Violeta Yakova took part in the execution of the death sentence or elimination of Gen Lukov.