Mary Loshak

Mary Loshak

This is my older sister, Mary; she's wearing a 'fashionable' costume that she made on her own. Mary studied at the Financial-Economic Institute, which was not very popular back then. She was probably admitted there only because our mother, Sarah Loshak, worked at the passport department of that district, so all the directors and bosses knew her. Mary died when she was only 54. She was deputy chief of the Construction Bank of Ukraine. My mother was an educated person for her time. She finished seven grades. My father, Govshia Loshak, finished only elementary school. He 'inherited' the profession of repairing sewing machines. My parents kept Jewish traditions and holidays, but they were not religious. Because of her official position, my mother was afraid to go to the synagogue. I remember well that after the war people were watched, and my mother was always afraid that somebody would learn that we celebrated Passover or other Jewish holidays at home.
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