Manin Rudich and his wife Dorina Rudich

Manin Rudich and his wife Dorina Rudich

This is a photo from my wedding, here in Brasov in 2000. I married Dorina Draghici; however, we had been together for 25 years. We don't have children. We met in the plant in 1978, she was working in the textiles section, and I was her boss. There were over 200 women, but she was my favorite! We married in February. We were standing by the stove one day, and she said to me, 'Don't you think we should get married?' And I said, 'Who do you think will want to marry us?!' We married in the city hall. She isn't Jewish, but we still celebrate both Jewish and Christian holidays; we have never had problems with that. She comes to me for seder, we have a Christmas tree in the house and celebrate Christmas with her family; we share everything.
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