Lyuba Ribush's birth certificate

Lyuba Ribush's birth certificate

This is a copy of the birth certificate of Lyuba Ribush my mother's stepsister, dated 1909. It is signed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the rabbi of Pskov, and issued for the purpose of submission to an educational institution in 1915. It reads:

'This is issued by myself to verify that the Jewish birth register in the town of Pskov contains the following female entry #1 for 1909: In the year of one thousand nine hundred and nine, according to the Judaic scale of notation, on the seventeenth day of the month of Shvat, petty bourgeois of Minsk province, Pinsk Jewish society, medical attendant Ziska Iosilev Ribush had a baby born in Pskov with his lawful wife, Khaya Moiseyevna; may this baby hereby be given the name of 'Lyuba' according to the Judaic religion. In assurance of which my signature and stamp are applied hereby: Pskov rabbi.'

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