Klara Karpati as a child

Klara Karpati as a child

This is me as a little girl in 1924. (My mother´s) pregnancies were difficult. There should have been seven siblings, but only I was born, and then a girl after me, who died when very young. We lived at 11 Istvan Street in a very simple flat, but I don't remember it well. When I was about four or five my father got another flat from the community in Sebestyen Rumbach street, in the same house where the synagogue was. Only the employees of the community lived there. There was quite a big kitchen and main room and there was a sort of larder in the internal corridor. We redecorated the kitchen and turned it into sort of a bathroom and from the larder we made a kitchen. My mother liked much the old bedroom furniture: there were two big beds, two bedside tables, and a dressing-table. The furniture was beautiful. In the kitchen there was an old fashioned item of furniture, which had an upper part and a lower part and at the back of it we kept the mortar and things of that kind.
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