Irina Golbreich with her family

Irina Golbreich with her family

This photo was taken at the dacha in Yurmala where my parents spent their vacation. We were visiting them, and my husband photographed us. From left to right: my father Boris Mikhelson, my mother Rachil Mikhelson holding my son Alexandr, and I. This photo was taken in 1969.

Our family was no different from many other families. My husband and I went to work. Our son went to school. The job of a school teacher takes much time and effort, and we spent less time with our son than we wanted to. Our son took to liking reading. Perhaps, it helped him to compensate for lack of his parents' attention. My mama worked as a piano teacher at the music high school. She worked there till she retired. My father worked as a foreman at the factory. When my parents retired, they could spend more time with Alexandr, and he liked visiting them. We spent summer vacations at the Riga seacoast. We also liked traveling across the USSR. Sometimes we visited my relatives in Moscow. 

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