Gavriel Levi's relatives

I do not know who the people in this picture are. I probably got this picture from my father, Gavriel Levi. It is possible that these people are relatives of my father in Greece. I know that they had some sort of gardens there. I don't know anything about my ancestors. My parents never talked about them or if they did I don't remember. I only know that my father's family moved to Thessaloniki some time before World War I. My paternal grandmother was widowed quite early. She got married a second time and had two children from that marriage - two boys, my father's and his elder brother Baruh's stepbrothers. Later Baruh went to America and never came back here. My father's younger sister Roza stayed to live in Thessaloniki with her mother and stepbrothers. They were middle-class people and had a number of properties. Each family had its own house. They had a confectionery business and owned a sweet shop in Thessaloniki, which is how they earned their living. During the Holocaust all my father's relatives were deported to one of the concentration camps - I don't remember which one - and were killed there. Not a single person survived.