Gabriela Brodska at her 70th birthday party

Gabriela Brodska at her 70th birthday party

This photograph was taken in 1994 in Carlsbad on the occasion of my 70th birthday. The party was held in this one small restaurant in Carlsbad, and was attended by members of our family. On the left, in a white blouse, is my older daughter, Eva. I'm in the middle. On the right is my younger daughter Silvia.

I had two daughters. The older one is named Eva. She was born on 5th December 1949. The younger one is named Silvia and was born on 30th December 1951. Both are born in December, exactly two years apart. When the girls were small, Eva would take horrible advantage of Silvia, because Silvia is good-natured, she'll do the first and last for anyone. Eva really took advantage of her good nature in a vile way. Then when they grew up and Eva was wiser, she realized that her sister is also there for some other purpose than to shine her shoes.

Eva trained to be a goldsmith, but hasn't done that for a long time. She took a course and has a beauty salon for dogs. She trims and grooms doggies. Silvia graduated from teachers' high school and works as a governess. First she taught at a special school. Then at her own request she transferred to the teachers' school residence. They've got a beautiful residence..

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