The Dvorskys

The Dvorskys

My husband and I. This photograph is probably from around the end of the 1940s to the beginning of the 1950s. It’s of me and my husband Miroslav. But I don’t know exactly where this photo was taken either.

Now back to my family, which I started with Miroslav Dvorsky. You see, I had originally not wanted to get married at all. Around me I saw many marriages that hadn't ended well. Be it before the war or after it. But when we knew that my sister was alive and returning home, we wanted her to have a home. I and my husband had met back when he was still a student at a Protestant high school. He wasn't my type at all. He'd been in love with this one girl in school. She wasn't Jewish, but a Christian, though that wasn't the reason why there weren't together. She got married. Then came the war, my husband was a soldier.

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