This is the so-called 'train'. The company of children and parents from our house often went to spend a weekend on the coast of the Baltic Sea. That was the way the photographers had the people align so that everybody could fit in the picture. Children are standing to the left - the first is my brother David Yudelevich, the children of neighbors are behind him: Fira Amsterdamskaya, Boris and Efim Hainson. The first to the right is our neighbor and family friend Evsey (he was killed in action during Great Patriotic War, he was on the side of the allies), my father Abram Yudelevich, the), Amsterdamskiy (I do not know anything about him, not even the name), Hainson 's wife (I do not know what happened to her), my mother Taube Yudelevich, and her sister Masha Granevich. 1927, Kemery.