Semyon Fichgendler’s evacuation pass

This is a pass issued to my father, Semyon Fichgendler, by the chief of militia of Novoalexandrovsk district, Stavropol region, to travel to Frunze town of the Kyrgyz SSR for permanent residence. The pass was issued on 13th July 1942.

During the Great Patriotic War our family was evacuated to Grigoropolisskaya village in Aleksandrovsk district, Stavropol region. In July 1942  the front line was approaching our village and we had to evacuate to Frunze. German troops were on our tails when we reached Mineralnyye Vody and then Baku. From Baku we went to Krasnovodsk across the Caspian Sea and from there we took a train to Frunze. In Frunze we rented a corner in a room from one family. My father worked as an agronomist in the trade department. In Frunze we received bread per bread cards. My mother had a card of a dependent and I had a student's card.  My father supported us: he went on business trips to sovkhozes that had bakeries. He used to bring us bread.