Sarra Shpitalnik and her husband Moisey Shpitalnik during a tour of Pushkin's places

Sarra Shpitalnik and her husband Moisey Shpitalnik during a tour of Pushkin's places

This is me, second from left, and my husband Moisey Shpitalnik, third from left, during our tour of Pushkin's places. This photo was taken in Mikhailovskoye in 1966. We and other tourists are crossing the bridge over the Sorot River. My husband and I were fond of classical music and had season tickets to the Philharmonic. When the opera theater opened in Kishinev we went to all the premieres. We also went to drama performances and the cinema. My husband and I often went on vacations together to Northern Caucasus, Poland, the Volga and to Pushkin's places. We particularly enjoyed this tour since we were both very fond of Pushkin. My husband was rather a prosaic man, but there he couldn't help reciting poems. This was at the time when Geichenko was director of the Pushkin preservation and he organized everything in the best way. We visited Mikhaylovskoye and Trigorskoye, the Sviatogorsk monastery where Pushkin was buried. This tour ended with spending ten days in Leningrad. Our friends in Kishinev comprised about ten Jewish couples. Moisey and I were the youngest in this company. We were more Soviet-minded while the others came from former Zionist organizations during the Romanian rule: Betar, Gordonia.
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