Mira Mlotok’s younger daughter Nata Ostrovskaya

Mira Mlotok’s younger daughter Nata Ostrovskaya

My younger daughter Nata Ostrovskaya, who is now living in Los Angeles, USA, with her husband and son. The photo was made in Los Angeles, USA, in 1987.
First Lora and then Nata followed their father's steps - they graduated from the shipbuilding Institute, economic department.
Nata moved to live abroad. Many young people were moving and she also decided to go to America. At those times it was considered treachery. She concealed from us the fact that she decided to leave. It happened in 1979, and Nata was afraid that her father would not let her go. Fima was a Communist Party member and occupied a high office. She and her husband took English classes in secret, while Lora and I babysat her child, Gena, at home. He was less than two years old then.
I learned about her plans accidentally when they were on the go. I had to prepare Fima to give them permission. He loved her very much, as well as his grandson. He told me, "My God, I will never see her again! But if she wants to go, I can't hinder her, let them go". He was ill at that time - he had a bad case of adenoma. So, he gave Nata permission. Soon after that he was summoned to the district committee of the Communist Party and was ordered to return his party ticket. He threw his ticket into their faces. What else could he do? He cried as a child. He could not even see them off because he was ill. But in his heart he felt that he would never see her again. Later we got a postcard from Italy: "How wonderful that I was born Jewish! I could finally see the beauty of the world!" 
Lora is working in "Khesed", which is a Jewish charity organization. She works as a curator. She takes care of the elderly Jews.

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