Lyubov Lipovskaya and Liya Zlatkina

Lyubov Lipovskaya and Liya Zlatkina

I do not remember where and when exactly the photo was taken. This is a photo of my elder daughter Lyubov and my niece Liya, the daughter of my elder sister Berta. Lyubov is standing first from the left, Liya is on the right, wearing a white dress. Before WWII I brought up Berta's daughter together with my daughter.

At the very beginning of the war, my daughter Lyubov found herself in occupation in Belarus together with my parents, my sisters and their families. Shortly before World War II I was bringing up my elder sister Berta’s daughter, whose name was also Lyubov. Berta had difficult times then, her husband was arrested for illegal business activity and put into prison. And on 20th June, 1941 my relatives took both girls, my daughter and my niece, to Belarus for vacation. They took them from Leningrad to Bykhov. Lyubov wrote me a letter in a couple of days saying that they all went to Sledyuki from Bykhov. They found themselves in the ghetto there. She wrote, ‘Mother, don’t worry for me, though I miss you a little.’ She was ten years old. These words from her letter still hurt me. Lyubov was interested in politics at the age of ten already. She knew about fascists and said that they could attack us. 

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