Liya Kaplan

Liya Kaplan

This is me. The picture was taken in my apartment in Tallinn during the Centropa interview in 2005. When I retired, I started working for the Jewish community. I liked the job as I knew I was helping people. The ladies Jewish organization WIZO regained its work in Estonia. WIZO ladies work as volunteers. I and other WIZO volunteers call on elderly people and collect information: what kind of help is needed, medical or psychological. There are thirty people working in WIZO and many of them are volunteers. We help people the best way we can. Now I have trouble with my legs. I have pain in my knees and have to walk with a cane. I was offered to be operated on, but I?m afraid as I?m old. Besides, there would be nobody to take care of me as I wouldn't be able to move for two to three months. I can?t work a lot in WIZO due to my illness. Now I take care of three elderly ladies, whom I call on the phone and visit. WIZO has monthly meetings. Unfortunately we have problems with finance. WIZO isn?t funded and we have no sponsors. We buy food for the holidays and small presents using our small membership fees. If somebody supported WIZO, we would do more for those we?re helping. Our community provides considerable assistance to people who are leaving for Israel. None of us help those Jews who are immigrating to Germany. I personally despise such people and don?t understand those who just think of their welfare and forget the Holocaust. I haven?t forgotten it. How can Jews calmly walk around on German streets, where Jewish blood was shed? How can they accept German assistance? Maybe I?m too brusque, but I wouldn't wave to a German if I saw one in the street.
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