Lev Drobyazko's uncle, mother's brother Israel Vaisblat.

Lev Drobyazko's uncle, mother's brother Israel Vaisblat.

My uncle, Israel Vaisblat, my mother's brother. He was born in 1893 in Malin. The photo was taken in 1917 in Kiev. Under the influence of and on the insistence of his elder brother Solomon, my Uncle Israel became a doctor, a neuropathologist. Prior to the war he was Chief Neuropathologist at the Naval Hospital in Odessa. He spent the entire Second World War as a military doctor. After returning to Kiev as a major in the Soviet Army, Israel could not find a job. Due to a strange twist of destiny he found himself in Gagres, in the Caucusus, where he became Chief Neuropathologist at the 'Ukraine' Health Center, which served Soviet government officials. Israel was the first child in Rabbi Nukhim's family to marry a Russian girl. This was sometime in the 1930s, after the death of Rabbi Nukhim. Uncle Israel's wife, Nadezhda Alexeyevna Kiseleva, moved to her homeland, Siberia, after her husband died. We lost contact with her and her children. Israel died in 1970 at the age of 70 plus.
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