Leonid Mariasis’s mother Perlia Mariasis and her sisters:Liza, Fira, Nyunia and Sonia

My mother Perlia Mariasis, nee Patlazhan and her sisters. From left to right: Liza (1904-1980), Fira (1902-1987), Nyunia (1897-1970), my mother and Sonia (1906-1980).
The Patlazhans had 6 daughters: my mother, Nyunia, Liza, Sonia, Fira and the youngest Riva.

Riva was born in.1916, she died of dysentery in the evacuation in Middle Asia. She was looking after the grandfather when he was ill and caught the disease from him. Nyunia, born in 1897 married Itshak in 1919. He was a chemical engineer and worked as a chemist during the Soviet power. After the war they returned to Kishinev. Liza, born in 1904 worked at the bakery. During the war she was in the evacuation in Middle Asia with her son Aron. After the war they returned to Kishinev. They visited us in Siberia. Fira, born in 1902, was a housewife. Her husband Haim had died.

Her daughter Rachil got married around 1970s and they moved to Israel. Fira died in Israel in 1987. Sonia, born in 1906, married a pharmacist. Her daughter Alice worked at the pharmacy her whole life. Now she is a pensioner and lives in Kishinev. Sonia died in 1980. Grandfather Patlazhan's daughters studied at Kishinev grammar school. They were very fond of music and very close with one another. They spoke Yiddish in the family. All girls knew Russian well as they had studied at the Russian grammar school. They were moderately religious. They went to the synagogue on big Jewish holidays, followed some of the kashruth rules. None of the family ate pork and there was matsa at home at Pesach.