Leonid Karlinsky's father Meyer Karlinsky and his companions

Leonid Karlinsky's father Meyer Karlinsky and his companions

My father, Meyer Karlinsky, with his companions in front of the recreation home in the Crimea, standing before the huge statue of Stalin which was installed at the entrance. The photo was taken in 1935. My performance on the Military Academy's entrance exams was good, although the examiners reminded me of a fight I had gotten myself into in Leningrad. I remember that on 5 or 6 March 1953 we were all lined up at Drill Square and told that there was going to be an important announcement. However, we were released without being told anything. At 6 o'clock in the morning we were lined up once more, and this time they announced that Stalin had died. In the evening we were in our room at the hostel. Pouring vodka into our glasses, I said, rather sarcastically, 'Well, guys, shall we commemorate the deceased one?' My friend York Repin didn't like my talking so disparagingly about Stalin, the leader of the people. But, to be honest, Stalin's death was no tragedy for me.
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